Love and respect for nature
The agroecology present in the region of Juiz de Fora is highlighted in the Love to Earth Project, which was born from the desire of the North American producer Celeste Gray to find and disseminate stories of people intrinsically linked to nature, taking from it not only their sustenance, but also wisdom, respect and lessons. The project has already passed through Mexico and, in Brazil, the audiovisual production company Filmes do Mato was responsible for creating a season of six documentary episodes.
Each producer, in his own way, shows his routine and details of his work, demonstrating a deep connection and care for the land. With extreme sensitivity and show of images, the directors, producers and editors of the series, Bruna Schelb Corrêa and Luís Bocchino, told the stories of the Juiz de Forans Paulo Bittar (producer of parmesan cheese), Paulo and Luca Meira (essential oils), Liz and Carlos Eduardo Werner (honey, vegetables and other agro-ecological products), Waltencir da Silva (organic producer with emphasis on a wide variety of sweet potatoes), in addition to Tania and Renato Souza (lychee and pitaya, in Matias Barbosa) and Elaine and Quintino Moreira (banana and various organic products, in Piau).